Monday, April 30, 2012

Important TOSL Info!

Hey everyone, as you may by now know, Taste of SL is on a very temporary break!  Kylie and I have both been pushed out of SL with some major RL stuff, so we've been forced to make the decision to suspend Taste of SL.  Don't worry though, it's coming back really soon....May 12 to be exact!

The Taste of SL info center is also temorarily closed, and any and all applications to Taste of SL or the Taste of SL hunt are temporarily also suspended, though we will re-open the drop boxes soon, in a new location!

Designers, the theme for that weeknd will be freestyle, andwe're hoping for an extra special participation!  Please see inworld notices for more info (it will be sent out a little later today!)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week 95 - Goin' Green!

Taste of Second Life - Week 95 - Goin' Green!

Hey Everyone! In case ya didn't know, Earth Day Birthday was celebrated this week so we're Goin' Green this week !

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the finds!

1. AlterEgo  $99L

2. {W&R} - Witches & Rats  $50L


4. Dreamscapes Art Gallery  $99L

5. Izzie's  $100L

6. =Razorblade Jacket=  $69L

7. Atooly  $75L

8. Marmalade Jam  $75L

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 94 - Spring Break

Taste of Second Life - Week 94 - Spring Break

It's spring break time around town, and that means lots of fun for everyone. As always, our designers are bringing you something to help make your "spring break" a little better. Let's get the party started!

1. Cleo Design  $80L

2. Blacklace/Blacklace Beauty  $99L each

3. Magnifique Poses  $75L

4. * Rezlpsa Loc * $60L

5. Poor Intentions (formerly Dirty lil Secrets)  $99L each, these are mesh items, or contain mesh.

6. {W&R} - Witches & Rats  $75L

7. Dreamscapes Art Gallery  $99L

8. Embody Shapes & Poses  $69L

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 93 - Bunny Basket Surprise!

Taste of Second Life - Week 93 - Bunny Basket Surprise!

If you've gone shopping in real life recently, you've probably noticed that Easter is again upon us. In that spirit, our designers are bringing you lots of sweet treats to celebrate. Whatever this weekend is for you, we hope it's a great one... now, on to the goodness!

1. Alexohol  $75L each

2. [ILAYA]  $65L

3. AlterEgo  $150L

4. Picture Me Pretty Poses  $125L

5. Blacklace  $99L each

6. .evolve.  $60L

7. Magnifique Poses  $75L

8. Embody Shapes & Poses  $119

9. *~*Hopsctoch*~*  $125L

10. {W&R} - Witches & Rats  $75L

11. [VIRTUAL/INSANITY]  $75L per pack, two packs available

12. Dreamscapes Art Gallery  $99L